Thursday, February 02, 2006

New month, new style?! I don't know...but the weather it seems is going to change into more winter like in the next few days. Thanks, Phil(the groundhog). I certainly have enjoyed this winter it has been wonderfully warm by North Dakota standards. Can't really complain about it at all. I still am looking forward to spring. I really love the mild weather and the birds singing...which by the way some birds have already returned to ND. So I am getting more into the spring mind set. I need to get some scrapping done this week. I did finish one layout this week. But need to do more family ones. I also have to get some Valentine's cards done. Lots to do and no time to do it. Tomorrow is errand day and Saturday we have a basketball game. Sunday is the Superbowl and church so if I am lucky....I might be able to get a few minutes on Sunday but not likely. Oh well, there is next week. Let's week will be less crazy basketball ends this weekend but I have to serve at a game next but after that I am freed up a bit. I am looking forward to it. A quiet week....not sure I know what that is....

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